

Ask @Xythar

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Why does Coalgirls think there's a cartel?

There are definitely a few circles of friends in the fansubbing scene who work with each other a lot and tend to join each others' groups. "Cartel" would imply some kind of coordination between the groups themselves, though, which isn't really the case. It's more just that there are less people in fansubbing than you might think, and the especially productive ones tend to work for a lot of groups at once.

Why did you get into fansubbing?

The usual way, I guess? I got into watching anime to begin with, then watching fansubs, then taking notice of the fansubs themselves and the groups behind them, then got interested in working on the scripts themselves. I started off wanting to be an editor and the other jobs just came from that.

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why did you make vivid

unanimated and I wanted to work independently, basically. When you're in a big group, people tend to judge your work along with the output of the group as a whole, and while I went through a phase where I tried to take an active role in improving Commie, it didn't really work out (I was QCing like 8-9 shows a week and stuff was still slipping through the cracks).
Couple that with general differences in philosophy from the management, and we decided we wanted our own group where we could keep the total number of projects down to a manageable size and where we could take any approach to subbing that we liked. It's worked out pretty well so far - I've gotten to work with a lot of other groups and people that I wouldn't necessarily have had the chance to during Commie projects (being that Commie still has a fairly isolationist / "do it for us or not at all" attitude), I'm satisfied with the quality of our output, and we've picked up a number of talented people along the way.

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what did you do to make D_S so asspained

I think I said my Tamako Market release was better than his once. Bad idea.
Don't sub Kyoani shows.

Who you think are the best fansubers?

Me, obviously.
In all seriousness, that's a hard question to answer. Pretty much all the big groups are competent at what they do, so it just comes down to personal preference. I usually just compare releases and decide for myself.

Language: English