

Ask @Xythar

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So you like P.A.Works - What do you think about this Visual Art's/Key anime Charlotte?

I have a feeling it's going to be their bad show of 2015

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?

A woodchuck would chuck no amount of wood, because a woodchuck can't chuck wood.

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Who was the typesetter for caffeine's Koufuku Graffiti?

I'm not involved in caffeine so I have no idea.

Watched Sidonia by your recommendation, not a big fan of mecha but that was amazing. It's a shame Daiz will never do the BDs because the audio was delightful.

Such is life. And yeah, I'm not huge on mecha myself, but it's a really gripping story with excellent sound design.

What happened to evetaku's website? It doesn't load for me.

No idea. This is the first I've heard of it.

Exodus when?

if you mean when will I encode it, within the next couple of days
if you mean when will Cthuko sub it, no idea

Wow, he fucking blew it. Didn't change "herkz" to "Xythar" when he pasted it to herkz's ask. What a loser.

Haste makes waste

Cthuko anon here, I blew it. I was too hasty. Forgive me fellow anons, but the ruse cruise has ended.

I'm still not sure exactly what I was being rused into but okay

That Cthuko anon tricked you! He asked herkz the same question too! You're not gonna let him get away with this, are you?

I'm not really seeing how this is a problem
Liked by: Ryuushi

From what I hear in the news about Australia, the seasons are drought, fires and swimming wear weather all year. Is that true?

Not really. This year's summer hasn't even been that hot.

Aren't there some kind of ego issues when you make joints? For example, Underwater-Vivid, wouldn't you want it to be Vivid-Underwater instead?

I don't really care, to be honest.

Who is dragon001? He is the fourth account to ever on nyaa and uploads under the tag [Nyaa Torrents]

I have absolutely no idea.

Twintails 3 soon.

Yep. These damned BD uploaders giving me work — who do they think they are?
(I kid, I kid)

when's the first volume of shirobako gonna come out?

Whenever the people at Cthuko get their batch scripts together, shift them to the BDs, and QC it.


Language: English