

Ask @Xythar

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Is Mori trustworthy? Contemplating using them (he?) for a show rather than CR, but I don't know what their (his?) TL accuracy is like?

I dunno, honestly. I can't say a whole lot given that I can't judge translation accuracy myself, but I tend not to trust new translators unless someone I do trust has endorsed them, and that certainly hasn't happened here.

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>When separating two independent clauses that still have some relation - Isn't it used when the part after the semicolon is an explanation or consequence of the part before it? Example I nicked off of 'pedia: "It is nearly half past five; we cannot reach town before dark."

that's one way to use it, but it fits under the general "some relation" umbrella

>which is worse; semicolon splice or comma splice? - Shouldn't that have been a comma or a dash?

it should've been a comma, but i wouldn't call it a splice since it isn't splicing anything. it's just wrong

have you reserved your copy of windows 10? what do you think of win 10?

haven't yet, waiting to see what people think of it

>not including the hourly annoying message of the arutha bot

i have the bots all ignored for that reason

Who will save F/SN from commie now? I swear, if Ilya calls Shirou Mister or Big Bro one more time...

implying they'll do it either

Tony has taken to wearing a helmet and goggles now in his everyday activities. He truly is the warrior we need.


Is there anything you care less about as you have grown up? What is it?

What other people think of me

How can I convert a UTW mkv video into a MP4 with subs hardsubbed? This is confusing as hell.

The easiest way is to just download DeadFish tbh

man i'm having post fsn depression. it was fun looking forward to saturdays. btw, how likely is it that utw will work on heavens feel?

I very much doubt that will happen.

go nag the peeps so they work on symphogeah BDs, and twintails and other stuff like that :^)

I have been

How do you fansub leaders can 'lead' a group of persons that aren't obligated to fansub and aren't even working together in person, I mean, only over the internet?

Nagging. Lots and lots of nagging.


Language: English