

Ask @Xythar

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A mix of Skype and IRC would be the best. The functions of IRC (XDCC) with a decent design and voice chat.

Well, feel free to make it
I can't really imagine hundreds of people idling in a Skype chat, though.

IRC is great. What else would you use? Facebook chat? Skype? Why do people equate old to bad?

If there's something else with such widespread availability and flexibility (bots, xdcc, etc) I'd consider it, but

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Would you consider yourself to be a cosmopolite?

I don't know the meaning of the word!
(*he really doesn't)

When Tony Abbott is so low on approval that he skulls a beer to try to make himself seem likable

You know, I always thought it was spelled "scull", but apparently it's "skol"?

Any idea which release is the "definitive" version of K-On? I first watched THORA, but I'm going to rewatch the series and was wondering if there was something objectively better available.

No idea tbh. I still have the CoalGuys TV version in my archive.

Does Vivid recruit very often?

We don't really hold recruitment drives or anything; we just pick up staff to fill necessary roles.

How did someone as new as Sereft get into Vivid?

Being "new" doesn't really have anything to do with it. Vivid is Devana's first group, for instance.

Which sounds better, "Magical Energy" or "Mana"?

I think brevity is important when coming up with terminology because ideally, words that appear a lot should be as short as possible to save space in the subs. So I think mana is a lot more practical (and subjectively sounds better to me).
Length is less important in a VN since you don't have audio/time constraints to stick to.

What would you do if you were the supreme ruler of the world? I'd ban Islam!

I'd make a law against boring bigots shitting up my ask dot fm

Well, they can (try to) get by in their own shitholes instead of coming here and becoming criminals because they get mad they're shunned by a society whose hospitality they take advantage of and make zero efforts to adapt to.

Yeah, it's all their fault. Keep blaming those victims, you win the empathy prize

If you wanna live in a country, you should speak the language and adapt to its culture, period. Same applies to white weebs in Japan. Obviously it's different if you're a tourist, but if you wish to work and live among a people, the least you can do is make an effort to fit in. When in Rome, etc.

That's your viewpoint, but last I heard you weren't the supreme ruler of the world. Not everyone has the luxury of choice in this regard and this just comes off as really condescending to people who are only trying to get by.

What do you think of the Mirror Moon translation for terminology in Type Moon stories?

I don't agree with all of it, but terminology gets about 100x the attention it should when for the most part it doesn't really matter.

How much time do you think someone would need to exert in order to edit UBW for commie? I was thinking on applying for editing UBW on the basis that I'm not torn.

Aniplex's script? It wouldn't take long because their scripts are pretty good already, English-wise. The issue is TLC.

Sure, that's fine. / Sure. That's fine. Is either or more correct?

Some might consider the first a comma splice, but I'd still go with it. Feels a lot more natural to me.

Have you ever said "G'day mate" to someone before? As an actual greeting, not because someone wanted to hear you say it in your funny accent.

I can't say I have.

Well if they speak their native tongue and practice their mysterious rituals at home, that's fine. But I assume they don't stay holed up at home all the time.

I really don't see how it matters to you what complete strangers do in their day-to-day lives.


Language: English