

Ask @Xythar

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http://ask.fm/Xythar/answers/138875001720 Have you ever tried? You can't and you can't until you can, you know?

yes, I translated tonari no seki-kun ova2, but that only worked because it was like 10 min long and ~100 lines (still took me about 3 hours), I had the manga to refer to, and I had a tlc to check my work and fill in the handful of lines I didn't get. there is no way I could do a full show on my own - I still struggle to understand precure sometimes, and that's a show for six-year-olds.

Are you typically disappointed by the quality of question you get?

every day. i ended up just deleting 90% of the ~150 questions that piled up over my vacation because most would have been dreadfully boring to answer

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Is there a place on Earth with absolutely zero wind right now?

almost certainly?? but how would i know

How much less enjoyable would your life be if you couldn't watch anime until a year after it aired?

idk, I mean, I'd still get to watch anime at the same rate

For someone who owns all kinds of things, you sure seem reticent about owning one particular kind of thing. What other kinds of things do you not feel right owning?

definitely not you, online

I mean, typically people who like anime with other people enough to become into a fansubber also like to discuss with those same people who their favorites are. But you seem not to so I thought it was unusual.

I mean I kinda do that to an extent but I also feel kinda uncomfortable treating even fictional characters like they're commodities. The whole unilateral "waifu" thing feels like claiming "ownership" in a sense that I don't feel right about

You don't seem to indulge in the typical weeb's waifu-isms or loud imouto fantasies or other such things. What is your anime enjoyment type anyway?

how do you mean? I just like watching it, ideally with other people

How many active TLs and TLCs do you think you could do a better job than?

none?? I'm not a translator

Know anything about Godless Subs? I've never heard of them. Deciding between them and CR for Sweetness and Lightning.

no idea. if that's purefmwc's group I would probably just avoid on principle

How can you call yourself an editor when you don't even know all the words? Def not top 1000 world smh

yes, I am truly a disappointment

Any thoughts on English localizations done solely for Asian markets?

they're convenient but sometimes bad?
just like english localisations done for any other market tbh

Was today's Re:Zero the best episode of the year? I might think so.

i wasn't so sure about this arc initially but um that certainly was a thing

Do you place "/N"s even if the line breaks in a good place on its own? I just found out that libass and vsfilter often break the same line in different places.

occasionally, if i think libass is likely to break it the other way
Liked by: Fyurie

Pls save urobuchi's puppet show. CR's subs are so bad.

outside of one typo they seemed perfectly fine to me? i don't envy the translator given all the urobuchi prose and random chinese in that show

Are you going to watch more anime this season because you're not working on anything?

probably less


Language: English