

Ask @Xythar

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>though I think he should just pick one group and let the other die. B-But Hiryuu's been part of the scene for so long...

Well, leave that up to the people who started it. It's too much effort to be responsible for multiple groups at once: believe me, I know.

>super cereal moment in owari >decide to do timing gimmick and move subs with screen. Who thought it was a good idea?

Probably unanimated

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https://twitter.com/Xythar/status/599596998606475264 | Regarding that tweet. I'm kinda confuse what you're referencing from D_S latest post to your tweet. Is it the shitty subs in the pic you're referencing and because it's FUNi?

D_S infamously got panned by 8thsin by translating every instance of Medaka's "kisama" in Medaka Box as "you lowlifes", regardless of frequency or context. So every time I see the word "lowlifes", it reminds me of him

Why do people think you, herkz and skiddiks are the only super active fansubbers. Hyaku, for example, is also really active.

Yep, though I think he should just pick one group and let the other die

"I want to go too" or "I want to go, too"?

I prefer the former, but I don't know of any codified rules for this

Is Dark_Sage still buttmad over everyone pointing out how shit he was at any capacity of fansubbing, when whine-subs was still a thing?


>Mac and mobile users were completely shut out for a long time| (in regards to 10bit) How do people actually still believe this shit? Mplayer had that covered for macs long before the first real 10bit releases came out. No, seriously, how are people STILL this ignorant and mad about 10bit?

>mac users

>Anyway, at the rate things are going I could see weekly broadcast encodes being done in 10-bit H.265 a couple seasons from now. - Daiz | here we go again

there's no hardware compatibility to break this time so it probably won't have as big an impact on viewers
might be annoying for encoders unless they make the h265 encoders a lot faster though

"Changing encoding standards from a strongly supported format (8-bit) to an unstable, unproven one (10-bit) was as boneheaded a move as you can make." - 2015, Dark_Sage

I was expecting his article to be dumb but I wasn't expecting it to be THIS dumb

What's the latest meme you've been working on? Anything you can tell us?

well, I had dinner at Nando's today

Cthuko's Danmachi isn't good enough for A+?

I don't think anyone reviewed it since they were so far behind so the show just kind of lapsed. The only advice I can give you is to avoid DDY, which rated far lower than FFF for accuracy.

>To be a bad joke, I assume ; It's not! my friend is blind in both eyes. Now he can finally watch his favorite chinese cartoons!

nice meme


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