

Ask @Xythar

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Which subs for Sora no Woto?

I watched with pwq's BDs and thought they were pretty good, lack of typesetting aside

How can you stand working on AZ? I can barely stand watching this garbage.

It's probably more entertaining to edit than it is to watch.

Why are things that are mixed in 5.1 so much quieter than things mixed in stereo?

Are they? I haven't really noticed.
Sure it's not just weird downmixing on your end?

But Tsundere release came out yesterday ;_; Plus the typesetting and stuff looks like it actually was done properly vs just muxing the subs in and barely shifting them

Go for it if you want. I have not looked at it at all.

Do you know if [Tsundere] for NGNL is a good choice? I've read over here the stuff about TLC's and stuff over and over, so I'm wondering on a encoding level if it's good. Does it make any differences if it's 1080p and 4:2:0 or should it have been that magic and special 4:4:4 thing

I'm told there are no good BD releases for NGNL right now, so gg.
And yeah, NGNL is probably the single show I can think of that most benefits from 4:4:4 and I doubt the pubraws will have that.

UBW has 90mins of extra content? Will you guys survive?

I don't know. You probably shouldn't expect it in a hurry.

What are your thoughts on Fate/stay night and Type Moon in general?

They're pretty good. Nasu is pretty good at worldbuilding and badass fight scenes, though if anything I like Zero a bit better because Urobuchi is amazing.

Why did the programmer get stuck in the shower?

I don't know, why did the programmer get stuck in the shower?

How can the professionals be so behind when people can do stuff in their free time using free products that produce such better results. Do people just not care about quality? Also, I've been wondering for awhile why professional studios don't encode in 10bit? Why only 8bit?

Well 10bit kinda isn't supported by any consumer hardware so they'd be selling to a pretty niche audience.

>Also, some of the characters attempt halting quasi-English on the Japanese track. What does this mean? I read it in some review for Evangelion 2.22.

Probably means they tried to speak English but did so kind of badly.
halting = they spoke in a hesitant, faltering manner (slowly/unconfidently with pauses)
quasi-English = kind of technically English but not really

That's insane. How come fansubbers can do that but the actual studio can't?

Professional mastering is still a long way behind, I guess. Even though most shows are still upscales from 720p, there are better ways to upscale than the standard methods commonly used on professional BDs.


Language: English