

Ask @Xythar

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>Yes, that was it. Do you know whose subs they're using as a base? Also, did they "have fun" with the script (and I don't mean actually translating Japanese memes to English (like Vivid's Amagi (soccermom, etc)), I mean memes where they're not supposed to be)?

I think they're just using CR as a base and doing the editing and typesetting themselves (they might be using Underwater for the first couple; not sure). As for inserting memes, I dunno. skiddiks does that for some shows but not others, so you'd have to ask him what his intentions are (and whether he's using Underwater at all, since I'm not sure). http://ask.fm/skiddiks
I haven't looked at the release myself yet.

Thank you for that comprehensive answer about sharpening! I didn't expect you to go to that length.

No problem. I actually remembered looking at a similar comparison for tlacatlc6's Samurai Bride back in the day, so I thought I'd recreate it.

Why would it need to be reviewed again, though? Season 1 was already reviewed and all the scripts were worthy of A+, but there was no one clear winner so no one got it. Since DDY is the only group doing BDs, shouldn't they then get it since that is actually the best possible release?

We can't just slap A+ on a release without looking at it. It's a recommendation, so we still need to make sure the subs are competently done and weren't edited to be worse than the simulcast or something.

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>[scribbles] Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - Volume 01 [BD 720p AAC]. Is this what you were talking about when you said in one of your previous questions that a certain BD group might be doing it?

Yes, that was it.

Why doesn't DDY have A+ for Tokyo Ghoul? No one got it for season 1 since the scripts were all equal, but they're the only group to do all the BDs, so why didn't they get it for the BDs? And they're also the only people doing S2. It doesn't make sense that they wouldn't have it.

Someone can go back and review it if it really matters, but to be honest I don't think any of us want to touch the show again. Maybe at some point.

pls don't fight with skiddi-kun, you two are equally slow BD releasers

I'm an extremely fast BD releaser when I don't have to wait for other people (see TWGOK)

>mfw I prefer the supposed Hatsuyuki screenshot. Either someone tagged those pics wrong or I'm a retard or something.

Do you still think that after looking at the grass, the title of the book, the texture of the wood, and pretty much everywhere that used to have detail?

FUNi or DDY for Tokyo Ghoul? I'd assume blue would be given to them, but I have yet to see/It isn't reviewed yet.

No one reviewed it because nobody got the A+ last season. I would watch DDY, though.

So is there something wrong in sharpening? (I'm not encoder and don't know shit)

I think sharpening is fine when used appropriately and in moderation. It's not fine if you overdo it, especially if you introduce artifacts like haloing or aliasing in the process.
As an example of what I'd consider tasteful sharpening, my Oretwi 1080p:
(There was an anon who considered even this to be too much, which just goes to show that encoding really is a subjective thing)
Here is FFF versus tlacatlc6 for Samurai Bride 720p (mirroring this stuff to Bakacompare because screenshotcomparison is down and check2pic won't let me upload anything new for some reason)
As you can see, tlacatlc6 massively oversharpened and introduced a ton of haloing (the lighter outlines introduced around lines) and aliasing. Not a good look, in my opinion.
Another example of poor sharpening would be Hatsuyuki's Hanasaku Iroha Home Sweet Home:
This is just classic warpsharp abuse of the kind you'd expect to see a decade ago. No idea what their encoder was thinking, but I guess it looked better to him...

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How should I watch Kurobas s3? Daisuki or wait for CR?

Daisuki is generally not a good viewing experience from what I've seen. I guess watch them if you can stand it, wait for CR if you can't.

>Not like anything I could do would live up to koestl's eventual translation anyway. Koestl is great, but so are you. And I'd rather someone capable edit the script. Just hope someone good does it.

You flatter me, but I'm a programmer, not a writer. Best I can do is get stuff sounding relatively natural.
Thanks, though.

preemptive sorry, i know you weren't involved in the tv afaik, but any update on commie's monogatari s2 BR? please don't make me watch coalgirls for bluray

Still at the TL for checks, I think. If you can't wait I'd recommend just watching TV or something.

Will you maybe edit Grisaia? Considering TLWiki won't exist for it since VN tanslation soon™

Not likely, I'm afraid. Not like anything I could do would live up to koestl's eventual translation anyway.

>I'm probably not the most useful person to ask about BD groups. I don't know who should I ask. afaik, you're the most neutral and won't give us biased answer (athough sometimes doesn't give definite answer too xD). I just kinda puzzled when groups that do the TV shows won't do the BDs.

Well, not everyone wants to watch (or sub) the same show twice. I tend not to bother if someone else is already doing BDs unless people on the team really want to do it, or if I didn't enjoy the show enough for it to be worth rewatching.

tlacatlc6 slaps on a ton of sharpening. e.g. FFF vs tlacatlc6 for Samurai Bride. Not recommended.

Oh right I think I remember seeing a comparison of that

>if someone likes lolis they are lolis. Come Xythar, the guys just wants to be the little girl that bad.

I suppose that's one possible interpretation

One last question. What do you think about tlacatlc6(they are doing mushi zoku)?

I vaguely remember not being too impressed with their Hihamukage, but check it out for yourself, I guess? If I were to get Mushishi Zoku-Shou BDs I'd probably get REVO's if anything, though. I think he knows what he's doing.


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