

Ask @Xythar

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So, what are you watching this season?

At the moment, One Punch Man and Underwater Ray Romano 2
I also watched the first couple episodes of Osomatsu-san but not sure if continuing
And the shows I'm subbing ofc

It was already stalled for what seemed like an eternity ;-;

That wasn't my fault!
And now the original editor is no longer around so I have to edit a double-length episode I never signed up for :(

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If i sent Vivid the official lyrics of show xy (typed from the German simulcast), would you use them? Commie didn't when i sent OPM's lyrics.

oh? i thought they did
but sure i guess. ultimately it's up to the song tl though

I apologize for this likely stupid question in advance. Is there a way to copy over the lines from one .ass to another, but not replace/change the start/end times of the lines being copied over in aegisub? If so, how?

you mean like paste over the text but not the times? edit -> paste lines over
Liked by: GhostPyre

does utw get their own bd supplier or do they just take raws from nyaa?

ar does his own encodes. sometimes he buys the BDs himself too

If you go QC a show you did many years back, would you find errors in it? Why is it that we always find errors in everything our past selves did.

almost certainly, which is why I don't. my earlier shows had rampant ellipsis abuse and probably tons of stuff I wouldn't be happy with today

You wouldn't happen to know who was responsible for the typesetting in the Vivid-Taku release of rabbit cafe would you? I just wanted to give them my complements because they did a wonderful job. The TS of Kokoa's ketchup message in episode 7 as just one example was perfection.

as it says on the credits page, it was trichinas, fyurie, and lyger
i think lyger did the ketchup sign but i don't really remember

>i didn't really like the scrolling credits covering the OP. But now I'll never know the staff who worked on it...

probably the same people as the other episodes

how's progress on Owari no Seraph?

mostly done, just waiting for me to get home from work and go over the script with Sereft for the QC I apparently never do

Should 24-hour time notation in dialogue be converted to 12-hour notation in subtitles?

can't say i care either way


Language: English