

Ask @Xythar

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You didn't seem to get that those posts were sarcastic either. Or did you just reply to that guy for the sake of drama?

I see statements like that made in complete seriousness all the time, so no, I figured it was just another Kristen-like conspiracy theorist. Poe's Law in action, I'm afraid.

Do you think Kristen has a genuine inability to understand sarcasm? In fact, most Crymore users, for that matter?

Autism is a terrible thing.

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Who is the moderator Yuuan`? I've never seen him in any staff lists and I've only ever seen him once on Nyaa in the comment section of some Hatsune Miku torrent.

No idea. I've never heard that name before.

how many staffs does Vivid has right now? any plans on making it a big fansub group like commie? or are you satisfied with the way it is now?

18 people in the staff room right now, though two of those are torchlight, one is a bot, and Raze is deader than dead.
Nope, that's specifically what I want to avoid. I have a hand in just about everything that Vivid releases at the moment (and the odd show that I don't is handled by unanimated and Devana and usually QC'd by me anyway) and I'm prepared to fill in for any position necessary (besides translation, of course) to make sure things stay more or less on schedule. I couldn't do that if we were subbing 8+ shows a week.
If anything, Vivid will probably move towards subbing less shows a season (like 1-2) when I start working again. I'd much rather focus on quality and reliability than bite off more than I can chew.

That tl;dr post on crymore is amazing. Looks like the syndicate is taking over. RIP Cartel.

I wasn't even expecting people to start using that term seriously!

It's not like any statement is released on why a release gets A+, just the result, right? Also, I didn't know people submitted for A+. Or does he mean putting it up on Nyaa, thereby being automatically submitted for A+?

Yeah, just the result, unless people ask nicely. It takes effort to write everything up I'm not going to bother doing it for people who are only out to push their own agendas.
By rights, everything that goes up on NT is considered for A+, though some shows tend to get passed over (mostly kids' stuff that most people don't care about). You can flag stuff for A+ review if you think it's being overlooked, though as an example I don't think most of the staff are interested in looking at stuff like PriPara. Maybe aers.

How's A-Koi's TL of Barakamon as compared to CR's script? It's kinda sad how people are just hating CR just because it's CR. TSing aside, the latter's translation, imo, is great and giving the characters that jap accent is excellent.

I think the general consensus among the people I know is that CR has the better subs. I'm certainly impressed by their work and Futsuu has had good things to say about it as well.

Should BD releases replace the OP/ED with the NCOP/NCED? It's ridiculous when there's big, open spaces left where the text would obviously have been placed (ex: Kanamemo, Date a Live), but I think it's dumb regardless and that they should always only be included as a bonus.

Yeah, I don't really approve of splicing no-credit versions unless there's a particular reason to (like hardsubbed lyrics getting in the way of the actual styling). The credits are often as much a part of the OP as anything else and it's stupid when people just splice automatically without thinking.

Will there be a reason to visit vivid.moe at some point? For example adding comments would be pretty neat.

There's no way to do dynamic content like that as long as the site's hosted on Github, so probably not.

and some are not fun to edit AND watch at all.. glasslip amirite?

Sure, though Glasslip could be a lot worse to edit than it currently is.

How is translating "nee-san" to the person's name not losing any meaning when they're not actually related? This was in vivids Akame ga Kill release. He obviously sees her as a sisterly figure but that is lost when you just translate it to her name.

No, they don't really have that kind of relationship, which is why I edited out CR's "Sis" to begin with. It's more of a senpai/kouhai thing with some reference to the way she introduced herself in ep1 (hint: the onee-san there means "older lady", not "big sister"). There isn't really a way to express this in English besides "Boss", and that's already taken by Najenda, so there you go.

>jing >duplexing at commie. Well, I'm sure he'll do better with Vivid though. By the way, what do you think of Psycho-Pass?

Season 1 was pretty good. I'm not sure if the second season will live up to it, but we'll see.

Shows you regret picking up from previous seasons?

Plenty, but it'd probably take a long time to go into them.
Editing follows what I'd like to call the effort/fun curve where unfun shows can still be okay if they're not too much effort (and vice versa). Shows like KawaIsou and Nyarlko I don't hate per se, but they fell on the wrong side of the effort-fun curve.

did you ever missed the day where you just relax and wait for a fansub group to release your favorite anime, or did you prefer to work on the anime yourself like you're doing now?

Depends on the show, really. Some are more fun to edit than to just watch, and some are a lot more fun to watch than actually work on.

So, I'm pretty sure you've asked this before, but... I'm guessing you won't be editing Psycho-Pass's next season this October?

That's right. It's in good hands, though - Jing (who you may know from Kaylith's Zankyou no Terror) will be taking care of it.

I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari-Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!

Fission Mailed

Do you watch the show you already edited?

I usually watch once while editing and once more during QC.
I often also watch the release with friends unless I don't like the show enough to watch it a third time.

Was there a show you really wanted to work on but couldn't for different reasons?

I wouldn't have minded editing Non Non Biyori, but watching it was fine too. Not really, to be honest. I have enough to do already that I'm not going to complain about missing out.

If you have time to go out, you have time to pick up another show.

Given that I used to edit up to 9-10 shows a week while working full-time, I'd imagine I have time to pick up a great many shows.


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