

Ask @Xythar

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What is your mindset when editing a CrunchyRoll script? Do you meticulously read every line to see if it can be improved, or feel that most are good enough and leave it alone? Is it different depending on the show itself and how much you like the show? How long do you take per episode?

>Is it different depending on the show itself and how much you like the show?
>How long do you take per episode?
Also depends on the show. Anywhere from like 1 hour to 8+ hours.

So what shows can I expect from Vivid next season? Owari S2 of course, but what else are you guys looking at?

I literally just answered this yesterday

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Well alright, would grabbing Coalgirls for Kiki be alright then? They use the R1 subs. I can't find a 720p upload other than that (or Doki, but lol).

I suppose

this entirely depends on context, so... | When it's used to mean "absolutely".

that's still not really context, but I feel like Japanese tends to use stuff like 100% and 0 in cases where it would be awkward to do the same in English
so like with any translation, it really depends

Good bye, good-bye, or goodbye?

We've used "good-bye" as a rule in Vivid since that's how the Merriam-Webster spells it.

Can you yell at him? I would do it but I don't know his ask!

he just told me vol5 is ready for QC so I guess it worked

If a character says "hyakupercent", should "a hundred percent" always be in the subs?

this entirely depends on context, so...

When did you fall in love with gg? Tell me the story of how you two first met.

I think I watched them for Bakemonogatari. Didn't develop a proper appreciation for them until like 2010-2011 though.

Ep 1-10 from gg, Ep 11-12 from Doki and the OVA from Hadena, right? I need a good ersatz for gg (ep 11,12), should I rather use UTW?

idk, is there even any point in watching the show without gg subs?


Language: English