
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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Why am I even alive? | To have your soul be consumed by Ubi or whoever pays your bills at the moment.

Guh.... sufferingu...
Liked by: Evil Steve

I haven't really paid attention, do you wagecuck at ubisoft because you need the money or because you enjoy it?

Honestly I really like making games. I just wish I wasn't so exhausted after work...
Liked by: Leedah Evil Steve

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>But how can you say you love her if you can't even eat her cloaca poop? || I do, but I'm very picky, and she doesn't like it when I try to eat the large white droppings.

Liked by: Evil Steve

>I just happen to be on an awesome secret project. || How is South Dance: Far Creed 7 coming along anyway?

You won't believe how tall these towers are!
Liked by: Evil Steve

If I found a hornmother that got lost from it's heard and took care it by giving it cake and food, would she accept me as her heard? Maybe I can rub myself on her to get her smell and then pee on her so she learns my smell and let all the other Chads know she's my property. With love of course.

>peeing on @himehorn
But how can you say you love her if you can't even eat her cloaca poop?
Liked by: Evil Steve Leedah

You sound really happy whenever you talk about working at Ubisoft. Did they put a chip in your brain that administers pleasure whenever you think of them so become conditioned to love them?

I just happen to be on an awesome secret project. Muhuhu~ =w=
If I were working on any other project I probably wouldn't be very happy, ha ha ha. It's just a great crew and mission.

Say I captured a hornmother... surgically extracted her horns... and then cauterized the wounds so that they would not grow back... and then returned her to her herd. What would happen? Is that enough bullying?

The herd would be confused at first... this nohorn smells like one of the herd... but it has no horns...
They'd probably conclude it's a wronghorn and cast her out.
The nohorned himehorn would constantly be patting her heard, wondering where her horns are, waiting to wake up from this horrifying squiddream.

Sempai, have you ever read a manga or something, and found that you do that 'identifying' thing with a character, and then the whole thing just makes you feel... confused? Like you're watching yourself be laid bare, and then made to suffer?

Hmm. I'm trying to think about characters for whom I felt a strong sense of second hand embarrassment. Dark Flame Master, maybe? Urgh. Not really. Is there a show out there called My Neckbeard can't be this much of an Edgelord and also a Shitlord Slacker?
Liked by: Dimunsis Evil Steve

The templars mostly use simpler weapons, right? Melee and maybe bolt-action firearms? It's been awhile... Are they designs from the before-times, or are they just what they/the witches could cobble together?

Yep, melee, bolt action, semi-automatic weapons, and very rare automatic weapons.
What you get as a boon depends on your level of favour with the white witch and your offerings.
Liked by: Evil Steve

Do you treat Esper's quests like FPS gaems? You dabbled in one, then decided the rest weren't worth your time and never tried them?

Mostly. Though I tried reading about some Akarin dickings. It was okay! Those were fine dickings.
Liked by: Evil Steve

>Hornscum Purge Quest coming | DON'T YOU EVEN DARE TO THINK ABOUT IT... it would be a waste of time, Dan already does it better on his canon comics.

I'm sure nothing bad will happen to the herd. Everything will be fine.
Liked by: Rafacar Evil Steve

What makes you feel the fact that the people that make up stuff based on your creations make more updates than you?

It hurts. But it's a good kind of hurt.
Liked by: Nubum Evil Steve

So what would happen if someone was to lock a himehorn into solitary for a few decades? At which point would they likely start losing it?

Haremhorns and musclehorns only live for like 15 years, so they'd both be dead.
A hornmother lives until 25-30, tops.
Anyway, I'm going to imagine solidary as a 12x12 concrete room.
A musclehorn would get anxious right away then start freaking out once she realized she couldn't escape. She'd fall into a deep depression with a few hours... honestly, it wouldn't take long at all. Himehorns are all herd animals, but musclehorns really need company the company of other musclehorns (and orders from haremhorns to keep them out of trouble).
A haremhorn would sniff around, then cry out, then sniff some more, and then get really sad. She might start rocking back and forth and sing to herself as a stress reaction.
A hornmother would cry and sweat her alarm scent... if no help came she'd continue to freak out until she just burnt herself out. If she's old enough, her herd-budding instincts might kick in and she have some strong feelings of rejection for the herd that failed to come to her aid. Her might get quite sick (herd budding sickness) and then start laying eggs with a different herdsmell.
Please don't do a bully on a himehorn by taking her out of her herd. ;_;

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Liked by: Evil Steve Perogra


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