
Dan Kim

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Darkcake X Cupcaek OTP ship it like amazon.com

Darkcake definitely loves her onee-chan, but not like that...
She'd be happy with a headpat, a hug, and sleeping in the same bed, though. She'd probably cry if she got it. She's never been spoiled like that.
Liked by: Evil Steve

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Would the templars allow outsiders to join them? Is there an assimilation/conversion process? I want to be a templar.

It's always possible to make a cutting and return a wild plant to the garden... well, return the cutting to the garden, anyway. The old plant will have to be weeded. Muhuhu~❀
Liked by: Evil Steve

>I want to pass through this world touching nothing | >Kidnaps and molests Snowhorn | that doesn't make sense, Dan. Is there something I missed?

It was an accident! He didn't mean to take her along. And he's trying to find a safe place to dump her... sure, she's kinda cute in her own way.... like a dog... but it's for her own good!
Liked by: Evil Steve

Even Ginko/Hei can become a bishounen once their hair gets unruffled and wet. YOU BETRAYED US!

Snowhorn thinks he looks weird and gross, though.
No horns, for one thing. Also hairy legs?! And face?! And that awful smell...
This is happens when you don't cull your eggs properly. Nohorn haremnohorns should be thrown out as defective immediately!
Liked by: Evil Steve

If a snowhorn complains of being too cold, I can just put her in an oven to warm her up and prepare and nice comfy plate for when she is finished.

Don't do that, anon... Snowhorn is my retirement fund:

You married off Snowhorn to a bishounen?!!?!?! WHY!!!!

He's not a bishounen!
He's more of Ginko-type, from Mushishi (or so I'm told -- I actually haven't watched it). He wants to pass through this world like a ghost... touching nothing, leaving nothing behind. A wanderer that takes everything in stride. That kinda guy.
I should draw a better picture of him -- more frumpy and weather-worn.
Liked by: Evil Steve

Snowhorn is the closest thing to a worthwhile, likable himehorn, and she's broken, worthless and deserving of rejection by their own cultural standards.

You have the heart of a Templar, anon.
It's a good thing she has Nohorn Husbando to keep her safe from nohorns like you!
Liked by: Evil Steve

What do the witches think of people like the cakeist?

Enna: The Cakeist isn't even on her map. She doesn't care.
Southern Witch Apostle: quiet amusement. Might also enjoy the cake.
Liked by: Evil Steve

When will Cupcake finally be redeemed by her tr/u/e love, Dan-senpai?

She's already in love with a girl, anon.
The a cutest and a best girl of all:

Anon is insane. || I agree with anon: himehorns are mindless pleasure blobs that thoughtlessly smash other creatures into pulp for their own pleasure. They are cute monsters. The templars are trying to ensure the survival, quality of life, and virtue of all their kind in the face of super-evils.

Liked by: Nubum

You seem awful defensive about dark cake when you yourself abandoned her. what gives?

It's exactly because I abandoned her, anon. I don't want her to be abandoned again. ;~;
Liked by: Evil Steve

When they make a movie about you, will they cast Vin Diesel as Chad McHugehands?

Why Vin Diesel?
Go straight to the source:
Random #2aFrosted Chistmascake
Dan Kim

There are people who read what you say about the Himehorns and don't think "to hell with these monstrous little flesh-eating goobers"? Really? I mean yeah they look kinda cute sometimes but there's nothing to respect or value about their society and species as a whole or them as individuals.

"✿✿✿ ~Is that so?~ ✿✿✿"
The White Witch is pleased.
You have the heart of a true guardian!
[GOT Holy Armor +1]
[GOT Holy Rifle +1]
[GOT Blessed Bullet x 1]
[GOT Bent Cigarette x 300]
Now go forth and weed the wild places, anon! Those hornscum aren't going to bully themselves!

>Not insane, just another nohorn bully. | Sempai, you shouldn't contradict yourself! You'll catch a contradiction-cold! Those are the worst! DRINK LOTS OF WATER, OKAY?


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