
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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What is the last thing you do before bed?

Turn off my Vita, plug it in to recharge, then put my glasses on the window sill.

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Ever been to Japan?

Nope, but I want to go!
>hot springs in winter
>restaurant tour
>akiba meido cafes
If I end up getting a nice bonus from Ubi next year, that's what I'll spend it on. =w=
Liked by: Evil Steve

Do you think handhelds or consoles are threatened by mobile gaming?

Yeah, for sure. Mobile gaming sucks up the most casual gamers and folks who play in 5 minute sessions on the subway, etc. You've already begun to see a refocusing on the hardcore, midcore, and indie market on both handhelds and home consoles ... they have to deliver experiences you just can't get on mobile devices: peripherals and special input/display devices, longer play sessions, higher production values in terms of artistic vision, graphics, music, sound, story, game systems, etc. without the hassle and higher entry cost of PC gaming.
Liked by: Evil Steve

a happy herd is better than a crying one|| But isn't your want for a happy herd sort of melancholy? Isn't that want made strong by the fact that something as comfy and loving as a herd isn't real? Like a painting is defined by the blank, white space around it.

Here's an unhappy herd, just for you.

I wish I had more to say about this|| Thanks actually that helps a lot. And since that isn't a question, where did the seeds for the idea that would become NNN start?

NNN was slowly building up while i was working on all my other projects... like a pile of breadcrumbs at the bottom of a toaster. Before I knew it, I had a pile of problems that seemed loosely interrelated, but I wasn't sure just what the nature of that loose relation was, exactly. There was something about the inability of language to do what I wanted, reality and fiction, artifice and reader, conflicting ideas about what (if anything) art might be good for, the difficulty of saying, the difficulty of understanding, what it takes to so much as count as being open to assessment as having said anything or not, whether a life doing comics would be worthwhile or not, etc. In any case, for whatever reason, this stuff seemed troubling enough at the time that I absolutely had to hit my head against this stuff before I could say goodbye to comics (which was my plan).
Anyway, I hit my head on it, but I kept going anyway... and now I really want to do comics forever... ha ha ha ;w;

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Liked by: Evil Steve

How do you develop the mentality that lets ideas spring forth? I find when I sit down to draw I put my pen to the page nothing comes

Having a strong interests outside of comics/writing helps.
For me it's philosophy and video games.
I think it also helps to have something of an obsessive personality and unresolved issues that genuinely trouble you. Keep digging down, down, down and eventually you'll get to interesting stuff. Listen to Louis CK talk about George Carlin's process here (good part starts at 4:23):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R37zkizucPU#t=4m23sCloneManga’s Video 131891702130 R37zkizucPUCloneManga’s Video 131891702130 R37zkizucPU
Also watch this video on creativity:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qby0ed4aVpoCloneManga’s Video 131891702130 Qby0ed4aVpoCloneManga’s Video 131891702130 Qby0ed4aVpo
Hrrm... I wish I had more to say about this, but I can't really say what's going on.
Liked by: Virado

My favorite part about Vampire Bride and pretty much anything that features it is world building. As an aspiring writer how would you recommend getting better at it (i.e. books or your personal inspirations on the subject)?

Thanks, anon. Glad you're enjoying it so far. =w=
As for recommendations, here's the general process I use:
Find: the image, the vision, the principles, the particulars, in that order.
Assuming you already have some groundwork done (something you want to write about, a fuzzy idea and some test material you've built up), you can start sifting through your jumbled up raw materials and start looking for an entry point into the project.
I always start with a captivating image: the scene or moment that gets me excited enough to build a world or story around it. For Vampire Bride, I started with the idea of a failed magical girl wandering after the end of the world she failed to save (the seed of Metal Fist) and played with it until I toned down the grimdark and found the comfy tone. Then I had this image of Bikky trying to live a comfy life with her vampire waifu while shutting out the dying world outside... a few of the images can be seen at the bottom of page 2:
From those few scenes, you can teas out a "vision"... it can be fuzzy, that's okay, but you gotta get an idea of what you're talking about. For example, in Vampire Bride, the vision is "a comfy world, after the end" or "it's all ending, but that's fine". The end is inevitable, but there's no cataclysm, no final battle, no big meaning, no final pronouncements or judgments -- just a world slowly nodding off to sleep, like a himehorn in a warm nest in wintertime.
With that vision in mind, you can tease certain threads: "beyond the end", "comfy", "inevitability", "empty battles", "punching at the air", "decline without crisis"... then you can start to build things that best exemplify these threads: comfy witches that extend beyond time and space, templars fighting a meaningless battle, winter landscapes, a universe with almost no stars... a burnt out universe and a burnt out hero... but it's still comfy.
Then you can start to design people, places, locales, etc. For ever detail, you should be able to answer why it is precisely THAT way and not some other way. And your answer must refer to something else in the world. Then you can use that answer as a jumping off point and repeat the process. Keep doing this and you'll have a dense, interconnected web of relations that make sense close up... and at a distance, they'll form the vision you set out in the first place.
Of course, you can go back and forth from particulars to the image again and again to get clear on things (it's never so clean a process in practice) ... but hopefully that helps.
Good luck, anon!

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...can't /give/ them the cocaine...|| That's right! If you want to be the guy with druggie friends, you never GIVE, you always have it, and break it out, and offer to share. Then you let people's natural instinct to reciprocate kick in, as well as association. GF in no time.

Exactly! You get it, anon.
Whether it's drugs, drawings of cute girls, or a sympathetic ear, that's the way it is. In fact, sometimes it's even more effective to be on the receiving end! If you ask for small favour or advice, this gives the other party to chance to feel valuable, respected, and makes you worth sticking around since there's the expectation of reciprocal action from you in the future.

have something someone wants// Ergo get rich scrub. Buying people their Cocaine always works wonders. Could get smart as well but that's more effort then getting rich. Dan am I now a proper neckbeard? Do I need to grow more to claim to be a true neckbeard? I got the NEET loathing down maybe.

No, no. You can't /give/ them the cocaine, anon. That would undermine everything. You gotta get in the boat and row your fair share. Don't be a free rider and don't let others ride free. And you gotta make 'em think "if I stick with this guy we'll have a great time in the future" not "he paid me X so I'm obligated to hang out". It's the promise of future rewards that does the trick.
Anyway, get a Dakimakura and shut yourself in for at least 8 months. Then we'll talk.
Liked by: Evil Steve

Since how many years you draw Dan :o ? for myself since 2008 so 7 years o/ (I learn fast xD)

Nio Kasgami
Well, I started being really passionate about drawing in 7th grade (when I got into Sailor Moon), so about 20 years. Before that though, I already liked to doodle (like most kids).
I've been uploading comics for about 15 years.

All you have to do to make friends is be friendly, sempai...|| Do this, and be the one to plan the stuff people do. Is it Thursday night? Invite everyone to go to the beach, go out to neat bar, come over and play DnD, whatever. NOBODY wants to be lonely.

<-- posted for friend-wanting anon!
Liked by: Evil Steve

All you have to do to make friends is be friendly, sempai! You're overcomplicating things again! JUST BE SUPER-DUPER FRIENDLY, ANON! Sometimes, thinking things over is the worst course of action, right?

<--- Posted for friend-wanting anon

The only people I ever feel emotional attraction towards are artists I follow online, but graduating from fan of someone to genuine friend is the Nightmare Mode of social interaction, and I can't even succeed on Easy. How can I make friends with these people who are "above" my social caste?

Honestly, I think friendships can only persist so long as each party believes he has some advantage over the other. That is, you gotta be useful to each other. One party can't totally outclass the other in power or status. Without that minimum, all that other stuff about loyalty and trust and whatever doesn't matter one bit. Think of a hunting party in ancient times -- you want to be a good party member: shares the same goals, not dead weight, can be trusted not to betray, can be trusted to make investments into the party, his skills have good synergy with other members' skills, etc. If you're too weak, you gotta be a follower and worry about abandoned. If you're too strong you gotta lead and worry about being stabbed in the back. If you're in the sweet spot, you can be "friends".
Alternative route: be a cutest and a best -- that's a golden ticket into nearly any circle you want (except circles with a lot of other cutests that will stab you in the back for being more a cutest than them).
Anyway, yeah, so just work on yourself. Once you have something someone wants, you'll find that folks will just come to you. Might suck, but that's the way it is.

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where's come the idea of Vampire Bride c: ?

Nio Kasgami
It started out as a mish-mash between some stuff from On the Subject of Witches and this rough idea I had about a magical girl and great evil living together:
Once that short-haired magical girl got transformed into a vampire hunter-type character and I the witches part got a bit clearer things started to come together. The world and story are very clear in my mind now... just gotta get Cintiq-chan back so I can get back to it!
Liked by: Nio Kasgami

Sempai, my guerilla-show-them-fear style tactics got a bunch of hostages killed! All I did was near-simultaneously blow the APC, anti-air radar, and that guy who shined a flashlight on me! Do I really, reeeally have to learn how to be a super-sneaky-pants, or is stuff like this rare?

It happens, Espernyan.
Don't worry about it and continue to blow your enemy hot lead kisses muuu~ =3=

What do you think makes a memorable character design?

- Readability
The most basic requirement.
You should be able to tell what you're looking at and how it's oriented in space.
Google Megatron from the recent Transformers movies to see a really bad offender. Would it possible to read that character if it were a silhouette? In weird lighting? If it were seen at a distance? If it were curled up in a ball? If we say it from the back? If we were really close in and looking at just a hand or arm? Would we even be able to tell what the fuck we're looking at?
- Clarity of vision
High signal, low noise.
Also just one or two signals: Sophisticated spy. Tired soldier. Comfy witch.
Don't try to say that so much that the reader isn't sure what he's supposed to tune into.
- Landmarks and Paragraph breaks
In short, grouping.
Have regions of high information density and low density.
Batman's symbol on his check is a good landmark. So are his ears/horns. Your eye is instantly drawn -- you're supposed to be looking there -- and even when the rest of his body is blacked out, we know exactly who he is and how his body is positioned.
A visual paragraph break is just framing and breaking up the body into more readable regions. For example, a cape with a strong collar is a classic: divides the front from the back, head from the body, divides the body from the background, and the outer part of the costume from the inside. For Bikky, I used a white cape and black under-costume with a black scarf to get the same effect. She's also divided (top to bottom): white/black/white.
- Meshes with world
The particulars of the design should be rooted in the world and contribute to the global vision.
Hope that helps, anon!

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Language: English