
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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>I won't let my a cutest and a best marry the cakeist | You are not the one to decide that. You lost your oportunity to be a good Dad a long time ago, now deal with it.

Liked by: Nubum Evil Steve

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But only a little. | >a little... Dan, please; but at least she is not dangerous to the herd, so it's tolerable and enough for them (or so I think)

@haremhorn seems like a good haremhorn. As long as she's not bumping into things and falling off ladders...

What do you think of the love triangle of cupcake x cakeist x leedah?

I don't like it at all. How can egg-filled himehorn cloaca compare to the cakeist of cakebutts? Not that I am endorsing the cakeist battering up that cakebutt. >: T
Liked by: Evil Steve

Would you rather accept the ship of the cakeist with Leedah or with Cupcake... or with both of them? *wink wink nudge nudge*

I'm not sending my apostle there anymore! >: T
Liked by: Evil Steve

The rest of the herd will follow Leedah... | Well then, I think that this ship will neeed a few upgrades for an harem then.

So this is how nohorns plan on conquering the herd...
The way to a himehorn's cloaca is through her stomach...
Liked by: Evil Steve Nubum

... what happened to the daily streams you promised?

I had a lot of after-work meetings this week... and Dark Souls 3 came out. : T
I'll get back to 'em!
Liked by: Evil Steve

just how much of a superchad is this cakeist?! | Well, if the whole herd wants the cakeist back, you can take a good guess...but If it's only Leedah and Cupcake, its was just luck and a cake in the right moment and in the right place.

The rest of the herd will follow Leedah...
Cakeist... I took your chadness too lightly...!!
Liked by: Evil Steve

Cupcake NTR'ed the Cakeist from Leedah! ... C-can Leedah NTR the cakeist back?

Leedah and an cake apostle... just how much of a superchad is this cakeist?!
Liked by: Evil Steve

Do NTRhorns exist?

Himehorns can't really be NTR'd since they're all part of the herd. Worst case, some big-boobed haremhugehorns comes along and feeds one of the smallhorns you wanted to feed.

Sempai is sempai because sempai was nice and supportive from the beginning, and sempai usually sometimes always has advice or something if I ask! Sempai's better than half of my parents, even. Which... is actually really depressing, now that I think about it.

Liked by: Evil Steve

Hey, Dan. What do you think of this? https://youtu.be/4jKsj345Jjw

I had half-typed up this long paragraph on theories of meaning and why this whole video was mistaken -- but I can't get excited about that sort of thing anymore. It's like trying to argue someone out of religion by talking theology. It's the wrong approach.
Anyway, it looks like religion is right back on the left -- in fact, it never left the left. We're just going to have to deal with it. And that means

How have you fucked up recently?

I played too much Dark Souls 3 instead of drawing my himehorn strips.
On the plus side I now have 20 himehorn's Daily LIfe scripts in the bank.


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