
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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>not even feigning passive interest in her psychedelic XCOM butt lesbians quest >she doesn't even pull 20 anons per thread \ She looks up into the nearly empty stands and her sempai isn't there. She cannot stop the tears from flowing. The coach asks her what's wrong, and she sobs even harder


I cucked myself | So you have finally reached your full potential... Now there is nothing more to learn, you are complete. Now, GO! The cuckest!

To be the cuckest...
This is my gift... this is my curse
Liked by: Evil Steve

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Delinquent girl aliens, or delinquent girls who fight aliums? Or... both?! SEMPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI HEEEEEEELP

Why not both? Delinquent magical girls vs delinquent invaders -- magical girls slack and and smoke outside the school, invaders are also slackers... the evil queen and good magical familiar commiserate and try to set them on the right path with ever escalating schemes. Their true enemies are the straight-A model student magical girls and hard working evil general girls who show 'em up every time.
The thing practically writes itself!

>How could Sayaka ever be satisfied with @On_TheBounce after she's been thoroughly trained by @kenashcorp? / that ain't how ya spell Kyoko

>implying Sayaka can enjoy the purest form of love again after she's been stretched seven ways to sunday and left gaping, waiting for @kenashcorp 's thunderchad powerdickings
Liked by: Evil Steve

do an accept on ur fate ok lern it rite | That is right, when the expert talks you have to listen.

... >:`T
Is it possible?
Is it possible to cuck yourself?
Because congratuations
I cucked myself
Liked by: Evil Steve

For what I have read so far, people think you are Haremhorn.

If it comes up again I'll let them know I'm just a happy anonhorn playing in the thread. =w=
Liked by: Evil Steve

Why do some people HAVE to identify with something or someone in their media, sempai? Can't you read or watch something that's good and has nobody that's at all like you and just, y'know, watch/read the thing? U-uh, I mean SELF INSERT GET OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I feel exactly the same way.

What would it take for you to sketch mai waifu? I mean, being privileged to draw such a perfectly cute girl should be enough, but...

Just make a request on the next request stream. Whenever that is. ;w;
Liked by: Evil Steve

So you like what happened to you happening to other people, because you want them to suffer like you did?

I want them to suffer. But can anyone really know my pain?
Liked by: Evil Steve

Personally, I prefer hetero and don't really care about yuri, but if I do watch / read it, is only because it has cute girls. Its kind of a let down since I can't identify with anything there... but if they are cute enough, has other things that I like and the story is good, I might enjoy it.

Cute girls doing cute things is a gateway drug. Try K-ON. You'll be reading Ritsu x Mio doujins before you know it. Then drawing them. Or in any case you'll be putting himecut x tomboy pairings into all your stuff...

What would drive you to try to fight someone? If they called Sakura a shit? If they insulted cupcake's streams? If they bullied Pancake?

I dunno. I find it pretty hard to get angry these days. Too mellow. Or too beta.
Liked by: Evil Steve

I think esper's saying that she's been bullied by her parents like Darkcake is and she knows her unending illnesses will be passed on. She doesn't want kids of her own because she's afraid theyll be like her or her parents, adn thinks Darkcake would be the same way

Maybe if she found someone with a dry mouth and inverse-heart-shaped pupils it'd even out...?
Liked by: Evil Steve


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