
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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Maybe Cupcake turned out so rotten because your DFC waifu wasn't equipped to give her enough healthy mother's milk?

It wasn't the oven that was the problem, anon... It's my batter ... assuming it was my batter and not the batter of Chad McHugehands, that is... ;~;

GYYAAAAA SAKURA--! O-oh... Sakura... oh good, it was just a drea---GYAAAAAAAA ||| Fufufu... I know the source of that pic.

Here Dan! I'm giving you this bill because Sakura wanted Senran Kagura sized breasts! She seems so happy with them! Be a good husband and pay the bill soon!

O-oh... Sakura... oh good, it was just a drea---GYAAAAAAAA

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The more fruitful I am, the more the witches will love me?

The good garden is one that grows and fruits according to the gardener's will. The branch that fruits on its own is a wicked branch... purge the wicked branch...

Love the witches! ||| ... would They love me back if I did?

Shh. Just plant more melons. Lots of melons!

I bet that in reality there are witches hidden inside the nursery, making experiments with the eggs. The ¨defective himehorns¨ are actually the real eggs that manage to hatch and the rest of the himehorns are just clones ... I can see it happening, sure I can. ¨It's a CloneManga after all¨ Fufufu~

You're crazy, anon! The witches are our friends... they're looking out for us! Trust the witches. Give offerings to the witches. Love the witches!

What's your favourite national holiday and why?

Christmas! Warm fireplace, good food, presents, snow outside... what's not to love?

Hey Dan, which games are you looking forward to?

Etrian Odyssey V (and to a lesser extend, EO II: Untold), Persona 5, the next Atelier Plus game... and I WAS looking forward to Silent Hills... RIP ;~;7
Liked by: Hat-chan

"Probably go to Akiba and blow my savings on meidos... I'd like to go once before the game is up..." || SEMPAI!!!!!111ONE1!!11!!! <3 You are my sempai. my only sempai....I'll always love you...

<3 Thank, anon... <3
Liked by: Evil Steve

If you were approaching death and knew you didn't have enough time to bring any of your current projects to completion, how would you spend that time?

Probably go to Akiba and blow my savings on meidos... I'd like to go once before the game is up...

Which of your creations would you want to live in? You can take on the physical form of your choice

Probably the world where Sakura is man waifu & Cupcake is my musume...
Liked by: Evil Steve

I don't know what you mean by a recent glasses trend; megane have always been awesome.

Glasses ranking:
Top tier:
Homu-style under rim
Mid tier:
Thin rim rectangular
1910-1920 glasses, but only on the night of a supernatural murder, and only when worn by a detective and exorcist duo in Taisho Japan
Steampunk goggles
Retro / Rockabilly

We need more Pancake art

I'm going to draw lots of Pancake and Darkcake when it's time to start their comic. ;w;
Too much on my plate at the moment though... way too much...

"Cupcake needs more Nekomimi" Nekomimi is old and busted/// So is Cupcake

TWEETPOLISE I NEED A REPORT2U on a ROOD thung sum1 sed 2me its NOT aloud on a caek ugh rood

Ummm...uhh..does Homura Akemi with her glasses also have "gap moe"?

Not really -- moemura is the purified form of an existing type ... the glasses, braids, pigtails, her relationship to Madoka, etc. -- they're like the fins and particular curves that are the hallmarks of a classic car from a certain era. The HomuHomu that takes off her glasses, builds bombs and goes DAKKADAKKADAKKA and travels through time is like an concept car that points the way forward.

Dan. So many animu girls wearing the glasses. What is it about glasses? What is their power now? Why this?

Glasses add a little bit of frailty and frumpiness and can increase the "gap moe" -- for example, she might be a cool sword-swinging exorcist, but if she needs glasses and she's a bit clumsy, there's a nice gap between what she does and her personality -- that's moe.

If you make contact with Kosm or the Moon Presence, are you not then praising the moon?

Yes... of course...!

Praise the sun or make contact?

I was all about praising the sun, but after learning that you can actually contact the great ones...
Liked by: Artemi

The sun; an object to praise eternal? Or demon orb here to steal the precious night?

A giant yolk to the himehorns, light of the garden to the templar, demon orb to the vampires. bweh ;~;


Language: English